Malkia Park Big Cats Rescue civil association

Let's be to animals more human!

Malkia Park is literally a royal park

Although the primary idea of ​​Malkia Park was to provide the best possible living conditions for felines, gradually bears, monkeys, parrots and ungulates also found their home here. To this day, more than 75 species, subspecies and breeds of animals have found their home here. We cooperate with other zoos and try to provide the most dignified living conditions for all the animals that we can accommodate.
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Get to know the behind-the-scenes care of our charges and observe their extraordinary rituals.

Adoption of animals

Adoption is a form of annual contribution towards the care of a specific animal/animals.


Every voluntary helping hand is greatly appreciated.

For Schools

Educational posters and infographics about animals.

Contribute to us!

The daily care of our charges is very expensive.
Opening ceremony
The gates of Malkia Park in Orechová Potôň were first opened on June 4, 2016. The park was named after our first rescued lioness, Malkie. In Swahili, this name means "queen," and since the lion is the king of animals, in a loose translation, we can call Malkia Park the royal park.
Safari also in Slovakia
Africa is far away, but you can experience a safari drive in a safe vehicle among predators even in Slovakia, at Malkia Park. Our Safari enclosure covers approximately 7000 m2 and is connected to nine surrounding enclosures for lions or tigers.
Pumpkin party
Every year at Malkia Park, we organize various events - sometimes we enjoy a romantic Valentine's Day, hunt for Easter eggs together at Easter, play like predators on sports tracks on Predator Day, or simply enjoy performances on Children's Day.
Mediator Bertík's arrival
On Tuesday, November 2nd, a rare transport arrived in Slovakia. A male southern white rhinoceros was imported from Safari Park Dvůr Králové to Malkia Park. This marks the first individual of his kind to be housed under human care in Slovakia.
Status of the zoo
Malkia Park získal 5. 5. 2022 štatút zoologickej záhrady, čím sa stal prvou súkromnou zoologickou záhradou na Slovensku a zároveň aj prvou zoo, ktorá vznikla v samostatnej ére Slovenskej republiky. OZ Malkia Park Big Cats Rescue funguje aj naďalej.
The first hyena dogs in Slovakia!
On May 5, 2022, Malkia Park obtained the status of a zoological garden, becoming the first private zoo in Slovakia and also the first zoo established in the independent era of the Slovak Republic. The organization Malkia Park Big Cats Rescue continues to operate alongside this development.

How do you find us?

Orechová Potôň – Lúky 810
930 02
Orechová Potôň

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